I think this is too interesting a subject, we have all at one time or another wanted to manipulate time to some extent. If I had the opportunity to travel to the future I think I would like to travel deep into the future, maybe around the year 4000. It would be interesting to know from a more distant perspective, if mankind was able to survive the crisis we are entering. I would like to travel this far forward in time also because taking into account the speed with which technology is developing in the last decades, it is unimaginable how the world would be in 2000 years, it is something that we could not yet visualize, therefore, it would be like traveling to a totally new world. The society, the customs, everything would be totally different from what it is today and it would be fun to live that experience, I think that if one had the opportunity to look 2000 years in the future even for a few moments, it would totally change the perspective of a person. As for the specific place I would like to go to, obviously it would be ideal to be in a known environment so I would like to stay where I am, that way I could more easily notice the changes. If I would stay in that place or not, probably yes, I am a very impulsive person and also very curious so I would definitely stay, unless it is an apocalyptic future or something like that.


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